Acne Classification

July 31, 2009

Acne become divided into four levels, namely mild, moderate, heavy and quite heavy. Rankings are determined based on the number of pimple in the face, chest and back, and the size of a small pustule or pimple inflammation condition. In addition, under this include differences in the type of Acne:

- Pimple on a new born baby (newborn acne): this type of Acne attack about 20% of the new born baby and quite mild pustule.

- Pimple on a baby (infantile acne): Babies aged 3-6 months also appear Acne, and will grow back when it was young people go.

- Pimple vulgaris (Acne vulgaris): type of This Acne is the most common in adolescents and young adults who go, about 12 - 24 years.

- Whelk conglobata (cystic acne): Acne occurs on this type of young men, are serious but rare.

Acne is one of the most skin problems confuse the youth, understand the production of oil on the skin and adolescents tend to be excessive interference in the pustule.

Based on research, skin problems among young people, Acne problem (47%) was ranked second, the first problem is the oily skin (57%).

Among them there are 94% of teenagers who have experienced a problem Acne use anti Acne product to overcome the acne problem. That's why it's anti-Acne product that is safe and effective is an angel helper problem skin that is expected to teenagers.

So, whether you are still frustrated with the Acne on your face that make a headache? See article tips to prevent pimple next week! and do not miss the opportunity to have a pimple free face!

Agne in the Adult Age

Like most people, the age of 25 upwards, start acne usually disappear from the skin. Then, how if the acne does not even appear or disappear in the age of full age?

According Jonette Keri, MD, PhD, assistant professor dermatology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and chairman of dermatology at the Miami VA Medical Center, estimated that 30% of women and 20% men aged 20-60 years (and more) have a problem with a acne.

Acne in the age of consent is generally caused by sebum, the oil substance produced by sebaceous gland. This sebum close the pore, and then attract the bacteria and cause inflammation. For some adults, acne arise due to too sensitive to the androgen (male hormone). However, estrogen hormone imbalance in men and women can also cause a acne. For women, this can happen at the time of pregnancy, pre-menopause, and menopause. Some drugs, such as cosmetics kortikosteroid and cumulation in the skin can also cause acne.

Treat acne with Honey and lemon

You can try to use natural materials to overcome the acne on the face. For example, using a honey mask and lemon. In honey, there is a fetus a useful antiseptic substances to kill bacteria in the face that can cause the red blotch. Meanwhile, lime water can reduce the oil on the face so that it can prevent the dirt patch in the face.

Following steps to create a mask of lemon: 
- Take a lemon and take as much water 1 tsp. 
- Lime water mixed with the earlier 1 teaspoon honey. 
- Paste in the face and leave for 30 minutes. 
- Rinse with cold water.

good luck!

Tips to prevent the occurrence of Acne

Acne prevent better than treat. This also included to prevent the occurrence of whelk. Acne that grows in the face can make us look to be less good. In addition, former pustule usually not immediately disappear from the face of us. So in addition to treat the Acne, it should also take measures of prevention in order to irritate the Acne does not disrupt the appearance. Following tips are some steps that can be done to prevent the occurrence of Acne.

Diligently to clean face. 
One of the causes of the occurrence of Acne is dirt and bacteria that stick to the face. Wash your face with a clean face or use milk cleaning, can quickly remove dirt and bacteria that exist.

Remove hair from the face 
Hair will become dirty and greasy while we perform day-to-day activities. When the hair touches the face, the dirt can be moved to face us and could cause a Acne.

Drinking 8 glasses of water a day. 
Consume enough water can help remove the body of toxic substances and is not useful in the body, which can reduce the risk of occurrence of Acne.

Reduce the use of cosmetics 
Using cosmetics can clog pore face. This makes pore does not breathe well. Choose cosmetics that are water based can reduce the potential occurrence of a Acne compared to cosmetics based oil.

The Definition of Acne

Acne is a skin condition that is not normal in which infection and inflammation occur in the oil gland in the human skin. Pustule forms is not the harmonious, disrupt and make us not trust themselves in public. Acne also sometimes a pain if touched, so we want to recover quickly from attacks Acne.

Acne is a skin condition caused by abnormal production disruption from excessive oil gland. Excess production of this oil gland or sebaceous gland causing the stoppage of hair folikel channels and the pore skin. Often Acne also cause inflammation in the skin (skin swell and become red). Inflammation on the skin is caused by the oil gland production of skin, or sebum, which then clog the channel and formed gland komedo (whiteheads) and seborhoea.

Acne often appear in the body of our parts, the most easily infected pustule is usually the face, chest, the top of our arms and backs. Occurrence of the Acne ussually starts or when the bloom began to tread or adults between the ages of 14 to 19 years. This is caused by the change in the hormonal adolescent who enter adulthood.